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2018年06月04日 英语 词汇
201 circulate[ˈsɜ:kjəleɪt]v (使)循环,(使)流通202 classic[ˈklæsɪk]n (pl )杰作a 第一流的203 climate[ˈklaɪmət]n 气候;风气,社会思潮204 decline[dɪˈklaɪn]v 下降;拒绝n 下降;斜面205 cognitive[ˈkɒgnətɪv]a 认知的,认识能力的206 collaborate[kəˈlæbəreɪt]vi 协作,合作;(与敌人)勾结207 corporation[ˌkɔ:pəˈreɪʃn]n 市镇自治机关;法人;公司208 operate[ˈɒpəreɪt]v …


2018年05月29日 英语 词汇
101 analyze[& 39;ænəlaɪz]v 分解;分析102 synthetic[sɪnˈθetɪk]a 合成的,人造的;综合的103 apart[əˈpɑ:t]a 分开的104 department[dɪˈpɑ:tmənt]n 部门;系105 departure[dɪˈpɑ:tʃə(r)]n 离开,起程106 partial[ˈpɑ:ʃl]a 部分的;偏袒的,偏爱的107 participate[pɑ:ˈtɪsɪpeɪt]v (in)参与;分享;含有108 appeal[əˈpi:l]v 恳求,上诉;吸引109 plead[pli:d]v 恳求;为…辩护;提出…为理 …


2018年05月25日 考研英语 词汇
1 abide[əˈbaɪd]v 遵守2 capacity[kəˈpæsəti]n 容量;能力;接受力3 norm[nɔ:m]n 准则,规范,准则4 normal[ˈnɔ:ml]a 普通的;正规的,标准的5 establish[ɪˈstæblɪʃ]v 建立;安置,使定居6 establishment[ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt]n 建立,设立,建立的机构7 stability[stəˈbɪləti]n 稳定,安定8 abound[əˈbaʊnd]a 丰富,大量存在9 abundant[əˈbʌndənt]a 丰富的,充裕的10 abroad[əˈbrɔ:d] …


2018年05月02日 英语
Do it yourself So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves, that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are countless do-it-yourself publications Armed with the right tools and materials, newly-weds gaily embark on the task of decora …


2018年05月02日 英语
Do it yourself So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves, that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are countless do-it-yourself publications Armed with the right tools and materials, newly-weds gaily embark on the task of decora …


2018年04月27日 英语
A fantasy 纯属虚构When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state & 39;What has happened ?& 39; she asked & 39;How did your clothes get into such a mess ?& 39;& 39;A fire-extinguisher, my dear,& 39; answered the Ambassador drily & 39;University studen …